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Monthly archive: December 2023

亚洲色吧 Launches The Spiritual First Responders Project Funded by The John Templeton Foundation

Until recently, social sciences only studied different religious identities (Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, etc) and identifying as none of these meant being labelled a religious 鈥渘one.鈥 However, recent studies in psychology have discovered a new group of people called the religious 鈥渄ones.鈥 Unlike some 鈥渘ones鈥 who have never been religious, this new group contains people who were religious at one point but have now deidentified from religion.

But, religious 鈥渄ones鈥 aren鈥檛 always completely 鈥渄one.鈥 Sometimes they may not have totally deidentified but would describe themselves as 鈥渄econstructing.鈥 Studies also show that the spiritually-seeking religious 鈥渄ones鈥 have the highest rates of depression, anxiety, and mental health needs.

Our project is devoted to providing access to mental health care and spiritual meaning making for spiritually seeking religious 鈥渄ones.鈥

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